
GeekBytes: Here Come the Cyborg Snails (And Other Things We Didn’t Cover) - vannesswhoplithe1968

Fortunate Monday! I hope you all aren't totally zombified after the switching to Day Nest egg Time over the weekend. Do you imagine it's a good affair? Bad thing? How about bionic woman snails? Justin Bieber in Lego form? That's just some of the fun (?) stuff in GeekBytes for Process 12, 2012.

Why Daylight Redemptive Meter Is Pointless [Gizmodo]

Outcry me in love, but I actually look forward to Daylight Nest egg time, even if it means I miss an hour of sleep late. Reciprocally, I clear an hour of sunshine in the even, which means that for several months it'll actually be light out when I arrive location from work. Gasp! Just not everyone sees it the way I do: Gizmodo lists several reasons–supported by actual data (pish-posh!)–for why Daytime Savings sucks. Pine Tree State, I'd be perfectly fine if we stayed on Daylight Savings all class, but feel free to share your thoughts in the comments.

Cyborg Snails May Be The Tense Of Subject Recon [Geekosystem]

For those of us with greenish thumbs, snails are an obnoxious garden pest. For the fine folk at Clarkson University on Potsdam, New York, they might be perfect for turning into cyborgs. The researchers found a way to make snails become tiny livelihood power plants. Geekosystem says these cyborg snails volition promising end up being used for military recon. Me? I yet see obnoxious garden pests.

This Justin Bieber Lego Set Must Not Become a Reality [Lego Cuusoo]

[Photo: nabii on Lego set Cuusoo]

We lovemaking Lego Cuusoo, a site where anyone buns pitch an approximation for a Lego outfit. If sufficiency people like it, Lego volition consider in reality producing it. This one, though, must non happen. No. No. Nary. Nary. No.

Futulele: Non the Cheapest Way to Play Uke, But It Is the Geekiest [Technabob]

Got an iPhone and iPad? Why not turn them into a virtual musical instrument. The Futulele is a synthesist app-case combo that lets you combine your iGadgets into one really expensive ukulele. IT's a cool down construct, though. Check the video:

Get's do this again tomorrow.

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  • MechWarror Could Become Reality With This Battle Robot Arena
  • Outboard Sega Genesis Hack Floods You With Nostalgia
  • The Week in Lego: Big Airports and Even Bigger Surgery Equipment

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