
Do Plant And Animal Cells Have Endoplasmic Reticulum

  1. Do all cells have DNA?
  2. Do all body cells take the aforementioned Deoxyribonucleic acid?
  3. Is there Deoxyribonucleic acid in dead cells?
  4. How big is the DNA in a man prison cell?
  5. Can DNA be taken from hair?
  6. Where actually is the Dna inside the cell?

Do all cells take Deoxyribonucleic acid?

No, not all cells of the human torso have Deoxyribonucleic acid, only well-nigh a majority of the cells have DNA contained within the nucleus.

The cells like the mature Blood-red Blood Cells (RBCs) have no Deoxyribonucleic acid at all. Other cells like the Blood Platelets (Thrombocytes in mammals), and Sieve tube elements in the phloem of plants lack genetic Dna within the nucleus.

The requirement of DNA as the genetic cloth is very much necessary for well-nigh all of the cells. The Dna as the genetic fabric translates to mRNA and and so transcripts from mRNA to Proteins.

The proteins are the building blocks of life. The cell that contains genetic materials will produce proteins all of the time.

The proteins help in cell signaling, cell growth, cell division, endocytosis, exocytosis, jail cell structure maintenance, immunity, the germination of enzymes and hormones, etc.

So, it is very much articulate that almost all of the living cells require genetic material for proper functioning. And so, there's no manner that there won't be whatever type of genetic material in the cells.

Only however, with some exceptions, at that place are cells like the mature Red Claret Cells that totally lack genetic materials.

Yes, we are speaking about mature RBCs, not the newly formed RBCs. The mature RBCs lose their genetic fabric considering they lose their nucleus as they mature.

It'southward because every bit the young RBC reaches its maturity the nucleus inside is swallowed past macrophages (one of the immune system's quick-response cells) and thus the RBC becomes devoid of the nucleus. The genetic materials that are the DNA segments inside the nucleus also get swallowed.

Considering of the lack of nuclei and organelles, mature ruby claret cells practise non contain DNA and cannot synthesize any RNA, and so no protein production is washed, and and so they consequently cannot split up and have limited repair capabilities.

Thus, the mature RBCs become unable to carry out poly peptide synthesis, and then the only piece of work they tin can practice is the proper transportation of Otwo and CO2 in our body.

Other cells similar the Blood Platelets (Thrombocytes) in mammals as well lack the nucleus and so the genetic DNA. Withal, they do contain mitochondria and mitochondrial Dna, as well as Endoplasmic reticulum fragments and granules.

In plants, the Sieve tube elements in phloem lack nucleus at maturity and so no Deoxyribonucleic acid in the nucleus. Only, they do incorporate some amount of DNA in their mitochondria and plastids.

Do all body cells have the same DNA?

Yes, all cells of the body take the same Deoxyribonucleic acid structure, but not all cells of the body take the same quantity of DNA.

All cells of the torso don't have the aforementioned DNA quantity because some cells are haploid, some are diploid, and some don't even accept Deoxyribonucleic acid.

Although a bulk of the cells comprise the aforementioned DNA contents, with some exceptions, there are cells that exercise not incorporate DNA besides. Just like the RBC cells in mammals that don't have whatsoever DNA.

In general, most of the trunk cells are diploid that is containing ii consummate sets of chromosomes.

For your information, chromosomes are made of Deoxyribonucleic acid, and Deoxyribonucleic acid is of the same double helix construction in most cells.

Then, each diploid prison cell contains about vi.6 ten 109 base pairs of DNA that include well-nigh 23 pairs of chromosomes (46 chromosomes).

Some, cells similar the reproductive cells (sperm prison cell and egg jail cell) are haploid in nature, that is containing only i complete fix of chromosomes.

So, each haploid cell contains nearly three.three 10 xix base pairs of DNA that includes simply 23 chromosomes.

In simple words, in human the somatic cells are all diploid with 2n number of chromosomes. And, all gametic cells are haploid with due north number of chromosomes.

Besides all cells of the body accept the same Dna but dissimilar functions. Why?

This is because all of the cells in our bodies are formed from a unmarried fertilized egg that forms the diploid zygote (2n) subsequently the fusion of one haploid sperm jail cell (north) with ane haploid egg cell (due north).

And and then, as the diploid zygote (2n) cells divide and grow into an embryo and then into a mature human, different genes are expressed, resulting in different cell types.

Is there DNA in expressionless cells?

Yes, in that location is DNA in dead cells. Information technology doesn't matter if the cell is living or not-living, if the jail cell had DNA during the fourth dimension it was live then surely it volition have Deoxyribonucleic acid once it's dead.

But, not all cells of the body will have Deoxyribonucleic acid after the cells are dead. It'southward considering in some cells the DNA is degraded during the fourth dimension of prison cell death by apoptosis or necrosis.

Just for instance, take the example of cancerous cells. Every bit the tumor grows, the malignant cells die and are replaced by new ones. When the cells die, the dead cells go broken down and their contents, including DNA, are released into the bloodstream.

Circulating tumor Deoxyribonucleic acid (ctDNA) are those DNAs that were one time alive inside the nucleus of the malignant prison cell. The ctDNA level increases in the bloodstream and refers to Dna that comes from cancerous cells and tumors.

So, that's why it is as well said that some dead and dying cells have normally been considered the source of blood Dna. Then, if you lot evaluate some cells like those of the malignant dead cells you won't find the DNA.

But, a majority of the dead will have Dna, but take the example of fossils and stromatolites which are one thousand thousand years erstwhile, that are definitely expressionless cells. From these dead cells, DNA is well-extracted for various evolutionary studies.

What about the viruses, have you ever thought of? Viruses are considered to exist intermediate between living and non-living. And, Deoxyribonucleic acid tin can also be extracted from viruses likewise.

Now, too take the example of offense scenes. In many murder cases, yous will often see the forensic people collecting DNA samples of the dead body similar hairs, blood, skin, etc. to detect the criminal offense scene and the criminal of course.

They are doing and so because Deoxyribonucleic acid can likewise be extracted from the cells of the dead trunk. That's you take oft come across in media and tv set of how and when information technology's done.

Other cells similar the mature RBC cells and the dead plant sclerenchyma cells, as well do not contain Deoxyribonucleic acid in them. And so, no Dna or whatsoever cell textile tin can be extracted from them.

How large is the Dna in a human cell?

To reply this nosotros need to first under the relationship Dna, genes, and chromosomes.

The main relationship between Deoxyribonucleic acid, genes, and chromosomes is that genes are made upwardly of segments of coiled DNA, and chromosomes are long supercoiled chains composed of various genes.

In humans, a single gene tin contain well-nigh 1 1000000 base pairs of Deoxyribonucleic acid and a chromosome can contain about one,000 such genes, and a unmarried prison cell has 46 of such chromosomes.

On boilerplate, a single human chromosome consists of a coiled DNA molecule that is about 2 inches (5 cm) long.

And, if we consider the whole length of DNA in one haploid jail cell then it is estimated to exist well-nigh 2 meters long. That's how big the Dna is.

If you encounter more than precisely, then it is articulate that if all the Deoxyribonucleic acid in all your cells are put together would exist most twice the diameter of the Solar System. That'south how long all of the cells uncoiled DNA is, if added together.

DNA is so compressible that a DNA helix with a diameter of 2nm (2 ten x-9 m) tin can exist supercoiled to get a chromatid of 700nm (700 x ten-9 m) diameter or and then. A chromosome consists of 2 chromatids attached together.

On average, a unmarried man chromosome consists of a coiled DNA molecule that is about two inches long. And, if that same ii inches long DNA molecule gets uncoiled and so it tin can gain ten9 times more length than that of a chromosome.

Considering the length if you run across, the smallest human chromosome is Chromosome Y which has a length of twenty mm with 57,227,415 bp of Deoxyribonucleic acid.

And, the largest human being chromosome is Chromosome 1 which has a length of 85 mm with 248,956,422 bp of Dna.

Can Dna be taken from hair?

Yes, it's absolutely possible to become DNA from a sample of pilus. It's because the hair contains samples of Dna that tin can be experimentally evaluated in order to solve various maternity and paternity disputes, and also the various crime scenes.

The hair is made upward of keratin and is divided into two parts- the shaft which is what we encounter above the surface of your peel, and the root or follicle which remains beneath the surface of the skin.

In simple words, the shaft is fabricated up of dead cells that accept been pushed up through the root. At the base of the hair root, is a minor ball-like formation called a bulb.

So, if nosotros consider the cutting hair samples without the root of the pilus, then those tin only be used to extract mtDNA (mitochondrial DNA). The mtDNA is present in the dead cells that brand up the pilus shaft.

On the other instance, if nosotros consider the plucked out hair samples with the root of the hair, and then those can be used to excerpt nuDNA (nuclear DNA). Such hair samples tin can only exist collected if the hairs have been ripped or torn from the scalp or plucked out.

The well-nigh common difference between mtDNA and nuDNA is that the Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA), dissimilar nuclear DNA (nuDNA) is inherited from the mother, while nuclear DNA is inherited from both parents.

And so, in hair DNA testing with the freshly plucked hair with both shaft and root, is of course always meliorate for Dna analysis. Then, a minimum of 5 hairs is recommended for lab testing of the nuDNA.

Where actually is the Dna inside the jail cell?

In animal cells, DNA is present inside the nucleus, and inside the mitochondria. In plant cells, DNA is present within the nucleus, inside the mitochondria, and likewise inside the chloroplasts.

In prokaryotic cells, like those of the bacterial cells, a single circular chromosome is present in the cytoplasm as they don't have a nucleus, and a double-stranded DNA is present inside the Plasmids.

Dna is always present inside the nucleus of the cell in eukaryotes. This DNA is also known equally nuclear Deoxyribonucleic acid (nuDNA).

The nuDNA inside the nucleus remains in a more than compressed and packaged way in the form of chromosomes and is the main genetic material carrying the genetic information from generation subsequently generation.

Mitochondria too have a small corporeality of their own Dna. This genetic textile is known as mitochondrial DNA or mtDNA.

The mtDNA is critically important to synthesize proteins for many of the metabolic pathways happening within the mitochondria that produce energy for the prison cell.

In plants, the chloroplast contains Chloroplast Deoxyribonucleic acid (cpDNA). cpDNA is also referred to as plastosome to refer to the genome of the chloroplasts as well every bit other plastids as a whole.

Chloroplast DNA (cpDNA) contains genes that are involved with aspects of photosynthesis and with components of the special protein-synthesizing apparatus that is active within the chloroplast.

In prokaryotic cells, the plasmid Deoxyribonucleic acid is a small, circular, double-stranded DNA molecule that is distinct from a cell's chromosomal Dna.

The genes carried in plasmid Deoxyribonucleic acid provide the leaner with genetic advantages, such equally antibiotic resistance, and too carry genes that benefit the survival of the organism.


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