
How To Use Animated Emojis In Discord

Before leaving for some extended time off, I wanted to share how to create custom Discord animated emojis with my colleagues and as well open source this super scientific creative process.

Why Discord Emojis?

Over the past 4 years, I have created many animated custom Discord emojis for my friends.
We employ Discord emojis for all kinds of stuff: celebrate achievements, friendships, anniversaries, and more.


Elapsing: ~4 min per emoji
Skill needed: creativity
Required tools: Adobe Photoshop or similar tool to create an image file (.gif or .png)

If this already sounds complicated.
I will make your Discord Emoji!

Order yours now!

Step 1: Cull your all-time colleague pic

How to choose the best motion-picture show for your new emoji? Follow these guidelines:something funny is preferred

  • something funny is preferred
  • a groundwork piece of cake to remove
  • skillful light
  • non offensive

Let's take my favorite profile picture equally an case:

Lucas Chevillard

Footstep 2: Import it in Photoshop

Create a new file with the following dimensions: 128px width and 128px height.

Custom file size to create Slack Emojis

Drop the picture you previously selected into this new file.

Resize the picture you imported so it fits in the 128px square.

Arrive a large confront every bit emojis on Discord are pretty small. To get a preview you can zoom out and see how information technology looks.

If you lot don't want to brand an blithe emoji you tin stop here and jump to stride 4 to export the prototype file.

Step 3: Create frames and animation

One time you accept the picture ready, it'southward time to create the animation.

Open the window tab and click Timeline.

Timeline view in Photoshop for creating Slack Emojis

Then, think about how you desire to breathing the image.
In my example, I'll zoom on my face.

Create a new frame for each move.
3 to five frames are usually a adept number of frames for an animation.

Frame by frame animation to create an animated Slack Emojis

Now it's time to get creative and make information technology happen.
Click on a frame and motion the layer for this specific frame.

Move the layer for the Slack Emojis

Then click on the side by side frame and do the aforementioned until you are done.

If you need to plough or resize make a copy of the layer. Or it volition change for all frames.

Copy layers for your slack emojis

In the end, yous should have something like this in the timeline:

Feeling comfy with the process to a higher place? Arrive a better emoji with combining more than one picture. Similar this one:

Stride iv: Export file

At present that your cosmos is ready, it is time to consign the file as .gif for an blithe file and .png for a static paradigm

Go to Relieve for the Web

Save for web format your Slack Emojis

Size requirement:not more than than 64kb and 128px width or height.

Hither is the exported gif for my creation:

Step 5: Import to Discord

Now you need to upload to this emoji to Discord. Become to your Discord server settings and click Emoji.

Choose your newly exported file, give it a name and save!

If you demand more assist for this pace, please use this help page from Slack: Create custom emoji

Step seven: Apply it wisely

Give thanks you to my teammates.❤

Note that this works for custom Slack Emojis as well. Hither is a comparing of Discord vs Slack.
The main divergence being that Slack doesn't back up a gif as a profile picture. Discord does with a Nitro Subscription.


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