
How Do You Build A Bog Filter

What is a bog filter

A bog filter uses the natural bike of the swimming ecosystem to maintain balance keeping the water quality high. Ponds with bog filters rarely feel algae blooms. When set up correctly this type of filtration is loftier quality and low maintenance. Allow mother nature do the heavy lifting equally she has since the kickoff.

How does a bog filter work

I know the claims may audio also adept to be true. Superior water quality and beautiful blooming plants. The best of both worlds in one. By creating a balanced ecosystem that is exactly what you get.

The layout is nothing more than a grid work of pvc pipes that evenly delivers nutrient rich water to a gravel bed. The bacteria that colonizes in that gravel bed nitrify the nutrients (organic waste product) in the water, turning it into institute nutrient. This is then captivated and used by the plants in the bog. What'southward left is crystal clear water stripped of its nutrients and returned to the pond.

The most important thing to become correct when setting up a bog filtration system is to size it properly. This is done by  based on the size of the pond. The bog should exist 15 - 30 pct of the surface area of the pond to be filtered.

Let's say we decide we need a bog to be 20 percent of the expanse of the pond based on our needs. A pond that is x feet wide past 15 feet long has a surface area of 150 square feet. This pond would require a bog that is 30 foursquare feet, six feet by 5 feet by 12 inches deep.

Oversizing the bog is ok if you have the room for information technology. This will only aid for future needs and be more forgiving if the pond happens to get overstocked.

Clearing Your Pond Naturally

The gravel bog filtrations effectiveness is unmatched. No chemicals, special equipment and extremely depression maintenance.

I of the major things that plague every pond owner is algae. This comes in two forms, string algae and free floating algae. Both volition take over your swimming if non tended to. A UV light is typically installed to help combat this. This is not necessary with a bog filter.

Algae needs three things to live: sunlight, nutrients, and h2o. If 1 of these is missing it cannot survive. The bog filter strips the nutrients from the h2o before it returns to the pond. This in turn starves the algae. What's left is crystal clear natural, chemically complimentary water.

How To Set Upwards A Bog Filter

Ii things need to be considered when designing and planning out your bog filter. Number i is water flow, and the second is size. Get these two things correct and you are set upwardly for years of low maintenance and high enjoyment.

H2o Flow - The platonic h2o catamenia through the arrangement is once per hour. If you take a 1500 gallon swimming, then the platonic menstruum rate through your bog would crave a pump capable of at least 1,500 gph (gallons per hr). This is a key to go correct.

Moving the water through the bog besides quickly will not let the bacteria to use upward all the nutrients.  If the h2o menstruation is too slow, you run the risk of stagnation. You may wind up with pockets where the water doesn't motility.

Size - The size of your bog filter volition depend on its use, although it never hurts to make it bigger than you lot may initially demand. If you are creating a water garden only, with plants and maybe a couple of goldfish, you can easily get abroad with a bog that is 10 to 15 percentage of the size of the swimming.

Stocking koi you will need to increase the size of the bog to 30 percent of the size of the pond.


Now let'south get downwards to business and discuss exactly how to build 1 of these amazing, yet simple water clarifying systems.

First excavate the area where the bog will be located to a depth of 12 inches (30.48cm). Follow the same steps for laying down underlayment and pond liner as you would when building a swimming. Now we will be using a system of pvc pipes that connect to our waterfall pump to distribute the water evenly throughout the bog.

Utilize 1 ½" to ii" inch bore pvc pipage to create a water distribution channel below the bog. To determine what pipage to utilize, look at the size of the output on your pump. Use the next size bigger pvc pipe for your system. For example if your pump has a 1 inch outlet, use one ½ inch pvc in your bog. Doing this will ensure proper flow through your system.

When we build a bog filter, instead of perforating the pvc pipage with holes like many others do, cut ⅛" broad slots using a circular saw ready at a 3⁄iv" depth. This gives a uniform outlet throughout the pipe. Space cuts about three inches apart for the length of the run.

Each "leg" of pipe volition encompass a 2 - 3 foot width. For case a bog that is half-dozen foot wide and 10 anxiety long will need two lengths of piping to run the 10 foot length. The legs of the filter should all necktie together. Identify a vertical pipe at the opposite end of the inlet. The vertical piping should come slightly above the surface of the bog. This will allow you to flush the system when necessary. This is know as the clean-out. See the effigy beneath.

Once all your pipage is in identify, cover it with the ⅜"  pea gravel. Comprehend the pipes with about 3 - 4 inches of pea gravel. This will be the dwelling of the leaner that will plow waste into plant nutrient. At present that the pipes are covered you are ready to plant your bog plants (skip to planting bog plants).

The Make clean-Out

Do non fail adding this to your h2o distribution pipes. The make clean-out is simply the other finish of the pvc "leg" that ties them all together. This must exist capped off in society for water to period properly.

I suggest using a threaded plug to plug the clean-out to ensure information technology stays in place. The clean-out should raise up just above the surface of the bog. The pipe can easily be hidden with some dark chocolate-brown or black spry paint.

Whatever leg that is non connected to the clean-out needs to be capped off. H2o follows the path of to the lowest degree resistance, any pipe left uncapped volition release the h2o on the end rather than through the slots in the pipe.

How Deep Should A Bog Filter Exist

Your bog filter should be no deeper than 12 inches deep. Ideally the bog and the pond will exist congenital using the same piece of liner to reduce the likelihood of leaks. Any deeper is a waste and unnecessary.

Effectiveness Of A Bog Filter

Your pond is always trying to reach a state of equilibrium. Just like water seeks its own level, the aforementioned holds true with your pond. Since it is a "man fabricated" ecosystem and non naturally occurring, steps must be taken to ensure it can reach that state of balance. The point where, whatever goes in, equal parts must come out.

How much does information technology cost to set up a bog filter

The materials you volition need to build your bog filter besides the standard pond kit items are as follows:

As you can come across based on the materials, the cost of a bog filter is relatively inexpensive when compared to other "high end" filtration systems. The amount of piping and gravel needed is determined by the size bog that is required.

Space is the major expense, you lot need enough of surface surface area for your bog to piece of work properly. When information technology's washed correct, no other arrangement tin top the bog filter.

How to contain a bog filter in your water characteristic

Whether you are planning on upgrading your electric current pond, or building a pond from scratch, keep these things in listen.

Pump Placement - The placement of your pond pump needs to exist considered when using a bog filter. If you are building your pond from scratch you could opt to place your pump deep in the pond opposite of the bog.

If building a pond using a pond kit the pump volition be placed in the skimmer box opposite the bog.

Near pond skimmers come with a net to catch large debris, and then the water passes through a pre-filter pad. We do recommend using a skimmer to collect debris as it enters the water surface. Nonetheless, exercise not employ the pre filter pad in the skimmer box. The pre-filter will not let equally many nutrients to pass into the bog and volition starve your plants.

 In that location is more than 1 way to set a bog filtration system. They seamlessly blend into the landscape because of the lush plants that are the result of the filtering.

Above the pond - The most typical way we build our bogs is higher up the pond. The h2o is filtered through the bog and then returned to the pond through a spout, or a waterfall. This creates a wonderful sound and gives life to the water feature.

Beside the pond - The bog and the swimming are separated by a porous retaining wall. Cinder blocks are perfect for this. Pigment them black and cap them with natural stone. You will never know they are there.

Inside the pond - This is nada more than a container that raises above the surface of the pond containing bog plants. keep their "feet" wet and they volition articulate your water. Perfect for smaller ponds on the deck or patio.

Planting Your Bog Filter

Before we get over what plants to get-go with in your bog filter, proceed in heed that your bog is new. If you remove the clay from your plants when you lot plant them they will starve.

Place all your plants where you lot want them to be planted, well-nigh 1 every foursquare foot. Once you are satisfied with their wait and location, remove them from their pots keeping the dirt effectually the roots. Don't worry about clay getting into your swimming.

With all the plants in place fill the remainder of the space with more ⅜" pea gravel. Plow on your pump and let mother nature take over.

Be certain to employ the right kinds of plants, every bit some are invasive. They can take over, choking out other plants and clogging your pvc pipes. Any varieties from the list below will suit you just fine.

There is no shortage of the variety of plants available to fill your new bog with. Quick design note: go along tall species in the dorsum and smaller, shorter plants in the front.

Beneath is a short list of bog plants nosotros recommend to get y'all started. These plants are non invasive and will exist a great fit to whatsoever bog gravel filtration arrangement.

Don't limit yourself to our listing. This is just to go y'all started and headed in the right management. Experiment, come across what suits your gustatory modality. We practise suggest staying abroad from cattails, horsetail, and yellow iris. While these plants will practise well in a bog, they are invasive and volition accept over.

Bog Filter Maintenance

The maintenance of a bog filter is minimal, merely it nevertheless needs to be tended to on occasion. Here is a "heads Upwardly" for what you can expect to continue everything running smoothly.

Seasonally - In the fall it is a expert time to cut back your thriving bog plants. Don't be afraid to sparse them out a bit. Transplant what you can. You may even be able to sell some of your salubrious plants.

Monthly - its a good thought to pull the plug on your clean out one time every month or so, just to "blow out" whatever debris that may have nerveless in the system. Remove the cap on your make clean-out and run your pump for a few minutes. Doing this will ensure even water flow through the arrangement.


So in that location you have it! A uncomplicated system that will eliminate the demand for chemicals, and lots of other equipment. Put information technology in the hands of mother nature. Enjoy crystal clear water all twelvemonth circular.

Allow your pond be what it was born to be, a well balanced ecosystem that will provide y'all with years of enjoyment and relaxation. I would love to hear your experiences with bog filters. If y'all have any tips not mentioned above we would honey to hear well-nigh them. Delight leave a comment below to share with others. Until next time savour your backyard water garden!


How Do You Build A Bog Filter,


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